At Chandlers Hill Surgery it is no longer mandatory to wear a surgical mask if you are well.
If you have respiratory symptoms such as a cough, sore throat, runny nose, fever or flu like symptoms we ask that you please let the reception team know and wear a mask whilst in the surgery. To help minimise the risk to the community, we are asking patients with respiratory symptoms to wait in their car (instead of the waiting room) for their appointment. Please call us to let us know when you have arrived in the car park and the doctor or nurse will call you when they are ready for you.
We understand that it is increasingly difficult to get a PCR. Self-collection PCRs are an alternative option that we can help facilitate if you are needing a PCR. Please call to speak to one of our reception team to arrange.
Phone and video consultations are also an option for symptomatic patients and incur normal fees.
(Note: Only patients that have been seen face to face in the past 12 months at the surgery are eligible for a Medicare rebate for telephone consults.)
More information on COVID-19 testing can be found on the SA Health website.
You will need to isolate while you have symptoms.
If you have undertaken a Rapid Antigen Test and returned a positive result you do not need to get a swab for a PCR test.
However you do need to notify SA Health. Please upload your result using this link.
SA Health will contact you via SMS as soon as the team are notified about your result.
If you have any questions or concerns about your health, call the National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080.
Call your GP on 8381 2822 – We will organise a phone consult to check you are managing at home if you have mild symptoms and ensure you know what to do if your symptoms get worse. We will also assess your eligibility for antivirals. We have set aside some telephone/video appointments each day for this purpose.
Read or Download the following resources:
SA Health – What to do if I test positive to COVID
Managing Covid-19 at home with assistance from your general practitioner
If at any time you have difficulty breathing or are feeling very unwell – dial 000 for assistance.
We currently accept referrals for Mirena Insertion and Iron Infusion.